Chrysalis Health & Life Coaching, LLC


It's important to care for yourself!

Who will be there for everyone else if you haven't taken care of yourself?

Your health is the result of mind-body unity, lifestyle choices, eating and exercise habits, hormones, automatic behaviors, emotional needs, stress management, and personal fulfillment. 

Where you are out of balance may not be exactly where you think. As a health and life coach, I am trained to help you explore your health, lifestyle, habits and so much more.

Working with a health coach can provide you with the space to address these challenging feelings and emotions as they arise, as well as a supportive place to work through them gently and without judgement. 

As with any big transformation, having someone to reflect for you—from an objective perspective—can do wonders for creating more awareness and mindfulness within your mind.

I promise to show up 100% for you at each and every session!


Lynn Miller

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